
Fewer children with Down Syndrome

In the past decade, births of children with Down syndrome have declined.

March 21 was World Down Syndrome Day 2010. Scientists took the opportunity to reveal the latest figures on births of children with Down syndrome.

For ten years, it seems that the number of babies with Down syndrome has decreased. This does not mean that this anomaly affects fewer pregnancies.

The number of mothers affected by Down syndrome has actually doubled. The difference is that now, in 96% of cases, they choose to terminate their pregnancy. However, not all parents want to have this test or who are capable of getting it.

As well, in recent months, prenatal screening for trisomy 21 is done much earlier. It is possible to test in the first trimester which reassures couples and reduces the number of amniocenteses.

When a medical termination of pregnancy is required, it can also be done earlier now.

Trisomy 21 affects the 21st pair of chromosomes which, unlike other pairs, contains one chromosome too many.