
Teen acne should not be overlooked

Acne can psychologically affect teens, especially if it goes untreated.

The arrival of teen acne should not be ignored. Even moderate cases should be treated.

Acne affects around 80% of teenagers and can leave permanent scars in 60% of those cases.

Adolescence is a time in life when personality and self-esteem are formed so it is important to treat acne. Teenagers are always facing the judgement of others about the presence of acne on their face and this could affect them psychologically. They may feel rejected, judged, etc.

Acne is caused by a blockage in skin follicles that become infected. We find these follicles on the face, chest and back, all places that may be affected by acne.

There are many over-the-counter medications to deal with mild skin break outs but a dermatologist is best placed to prescribe the appropriate acne therapy. This doctor can determine which medication is appropriate and be able to suggest another treatment if one proves to be ineffective.