
Justin Bieber is surrounded by the best

The young Canadian singer works with the best in the biz on the follow-up to My World.

He’s so young but he already knows that a second album can be more important to career longevity than a successful first album.

With this in mind, Canadian singer Justin Bieber made sure to bring first rate collaborators on board to make his second album.

Justin Bieber was introduced to the world in a dramatic way with the release of My World just four months ago. The mini-album is only 25 minutes long but has been so successful that Bieber and his management team saw the wisdom in quickly releasing more. They can cash in big on Bieber’s popularity but the next release has to be quality music.

In an interview with MTV News, Bieber said, "It’s gonna be a lot of fun, the album. I co-wrote everything on the album, and I got to work with a lot of cool producers. I got to work with The-Dream, I worked with … a lot of cool people, so it was a lot of fun."

Justin Bieber celebrated his 16th birthday on March 1. He revealed that his personal favourites on My World 2.0 are the songs Up and U Smile. His second album drops tomorrow, March 23.