
Search for new Smashing Pumpkins

Billy Corgan is holding open auditions to find new band members.

The Smashing Pumpkins are looking for a new bassist and keyboardist.

Bassist Ginger Pooley left the band last week to raise her new baby with her husband.

On the Smashing Pumpkins’ website, she writes, "With sorrow and yet with much thankfulness for the opportunity to have played in the Pumpkins, I am sad to say that I can no longer tour with the Pumpkins. Although I’ve been blessed beyond belief over the past few years through playing with the Pumpkins, my priority now is to keep our little family unit together."

Singer Billy Corgan quickly launched open auditions to fill Pooley’s spot. He is continuing a successful formula they put in place last year to replace drummer Jimmy Chamberlin.

Corgan says, "We were lucky enough to find drummer Mike Byrne through an open audition process. So why not open the doors again to anyone who might be interested for the bass or keyboard position."

He adds, "As you can see from our past and present, age, race, or a person’s background is not an issue. Everyone is truly welcome to audition."

For more audition information, visit the band’s website at The final submission date is March 31.