
John Mayer flirts with Ke$ha

The singer uses Twitter to flirt with Ke$ha.

According to Teen Music, singer John Mayer is up to his old tricks. He has set his sights on up-and-coming singer Ke$ha.

Mayer used his Twitter account to openly flirt with the young music sensation. She is currently sitting at number one in the U.S.  thanks to her song TiK ToK.

With his ever present humour, Mayer tweeted, "Dear Ke$ha, you have won me over with your tricks and charms and I must tell you I really like your song (TiK ToK). Though I must add I tried brushing with a bottle of Jack and I chipped a tooth on the glass. Where might I remit an invoice?"

Ke$ha wrote a quick reply back to Mayer saying, "Dear John Mayer. Don’t be a little b**ch wit ur (with your) chit chat. Jus $how (sic) me where ur d***’s at (sic). x"

The blond singer has been labelled a party girl and is currently on the top of European charts as well. She has gone from being a complete unknown to number one on the charts in a short period of time.

John Mayer has dated a string of stars, including Jessica Simpson, Jennifer Aniston and Cameron Diaz.