
Angelina spends time with her dad

Angelina Jolie was photographed with her father for the first time in eight years.

One of Hollywood’s rockiest and most publicized relationships is no doubt between Angelina Jolie and her father, Jon Voight. They have not been seen together in eight years.
They now seem to have put their difference aside. The 34-year old actress and her 70-year old father were photographed together for the first time since 2001.
Yesterday (February 21) in Venice, the actress was seen boarding a boat with her father, her companion Brad Pitt and their daughter Zahara, 4. The actress and her family are staying in Venice while she shoots a new film. 
The relationship between Jolie and Voight hit rock bottom in 2001. Voight told Access Hollywood that his daughter needed serious help for her mental problems. The mother of six broke off all ties with her father at that point.
Voight has been trying to build bridges ever since. It seems that Brad Pitt was finally successful in convincing her to contact her father last year.
Voight told Us Weekly magazine, "We’re in touch, but not regularly. We love each other and that’s the most important thing."