
Tiger can always count on his mom

Tiger Woods’ mother is really proud of her son,

Tiger Woods gave his mom a long hug after finishing his press briefing last Friday (February 19). People says the media were wondering what she whispered in his ear.

Kultida Woods told her son, "I’m so proud of you. Never think you stand alone. Mom will always be there for you and I love you. "

Tiger Woods quickly left the room after offering his excuses. His mother stayed behind in his place to talk to the journalists on hand.

She said, "As a human being everyone has faults, makes mistakes and sins. We all do. But, we move on when we make a mistake and learn from it," she said. "I am upset the way media treated him like he’s a criminal … he didn’t kill anybody, he didn’t do anything illegal …"

She was also quick to defend her son, "People don’t understand that Tiger has a very good heart and soul. Sometimes I think there is a complete double standard … He tried to improve himself."

This was the first public apology Tiger Woods has made to his family and friends. He said he acted selfishly and stupidly. He added that he needed to be a better man and a better person for his wife, Elin Nordegren, and their two children.

Woods headed back to sex therapy on Saturday (February 20).