
Susan Boyle handles her celebrity status

Susan Boyle is coming to terms with being famous.

Susan Boyle went from complete obscurity to celebrity status in the blink of an eye, bolstered by social networks and YouTube. She is getting better at dealing with the pressures of sudden stardom.

In an interview with CBS Sunday Morning, the 48-year old Scotswoman says the attention was difficult to handle at first. "I was like a scared child before, but I’m not the scared person I used to be. I had to learn how to deal with a lot of publicity, and the glare of attention. And that takes a bit to get used to. But I got there in the end!"

After she won second place on Britain’s Got Talent, she checked herself into a clinic to be treated for exhaustion. Since then, she has landed back on her feet and recorded an album I Dreamed A Dream. It has sold millions of copies around the world.

She says that she is touched and surprised by her success. "I think I’m entertaining people. I’m inspiring a lot of people… people have written to me about how much I have inspired them, and I like to keep on doing that for as long as it lasts," she says.