
Colin Firth had to lose weight

Colin Firth was gently told to lose weight by the director of A Single Man.

Colin Firth knew he had a weight problem when director Tom Ford offered to pay for a private trainer during filming of A Single Man.

"He tended to handle me in honeyed terms, such as, ‘You look great, really great, just as you are, but if you want to get a trainer to come to your house every day, I’ll pay for it. That means you’re fat," Firth explains.

He thinks Tom Ford was actually a great help. "I guess he did me a favour. I made one final push in the war against gravity in my late forties. It was probably helpful," he adds.

Colin Firth says he refused Ford’s offer of a private trainer because it was easier than he thought to lose weight. He simply reduced his portion sizes and ate less, reports Daily Record paper.