
A-Rod seduces another celebrity

Alex Rodriquez is now dating Cameron Diaz.

Baseball player Alex Rodriquez continues to hook up with celebrities. First there was a rumoured fling with Madonna, followed by his highly-publicized split with actress Kate Hudson.  Now Daily News reports he is dating Cameron Diaz.

The New York Yankees player was seen dancing the night away with the actress in Miami the day before the Super Bowl. According to a source, Rodriguez, 34, and Diaz, 37, were having a lot of fun on the dance floor.

Another source says that the relationship is more than just flirting and that they are really into each other.

A-Rod and Madonna’s adventure together resulted in their respective divorces.

After months of speculation, it was confirmed last July that he was dating Kate Hudson. In December, the couple reportedly broke up because A-Rod was not over Madonna.