
George Clooney returns to Darfur.

After organizing a telethon to help Haiti, George Clooney gets ready to go back to Darfur.

After the success of the Hope for Haïti Now telethon, which raised nearly $60 million Friday (January 22), Starpulse reports that George Clooney is getting ready for another humanitarian mission.

The actor will return to Darfur where many problems still remain.

Clooney first went to Darfur in 2006 to film a documentary on Darfur refugees. When he got back to the U.S., he launched a campaign to pressure American politicians to help people caught in the middle of the tribal wars.

 "We can all talk about this and make speeches and say this is horrible and we have to do something. But every day we don’t do something, and every day this goes on, thousands of people are dying and dying horrific deaths," he says.

Since meeting refugees in Darfur, George Clooney has made this cause his own and worked to raise awareness about the plight of these people.