
Shakira’s Stimulus Plan

Shakira believes that her shopping sprees help the world economy.

The Colombian singer no longer gives herself the guilt trip when she spends money and goes shopping. Her Catholic upbringing never prepared her for fame and fortune, and for the longest time, she’s felt guilty for having and spending so much money.

Shakira finally managed to find a helpful approach that would help alleviate her guilty conscience. She now justifies shopping by telling herself that she’s stimulating the economy, and that a thriving economy keeps people employed.

The Latin beauty, who now lives in Miami, also has to face accusations of abandoning her country. When she hears such banter, she can’t help but react.

The hip-shaking star explained to You magazine, "It couldn’t be further from the truth – I go frequently to Colombia. I grew up understanding that in countries like mine when you are born poor, you are destined to die poor. I have seen how many children are recruited into the militia or into the drug-trafficking business at an early age because they are not safe at school, and I understood that I could do something about it even in a small way. No child wants to be a drug dealer or in the militia."