
Scandalous Lohan Video Lurking About

A compromising video of Lindsay Lohan is about to become public material.

Sex tape: two words that could horrify any star, unless of course she is planning its "accidental" release as a publicity stunt to boost her faltering career.

The latest sex tape scandal happens to involve Lindsay Lohan, one of the most-targeted Hollywood victims of everyday celebrity gossip.

According to a Daily Mirror source, a 47-second clip starring Lohan has surfaced. "The video film is dynamite. It is pretty seedy and shows Lindsay engaged in a particular sex act which, obviously, should remain behind closed doors," said the source.

However the same source revealed that Lohan is devastated by the release, which was reportedly the work of a restaurant waiter.

Lindsay Lohan has been working on rebuilding her image after years of partying, which resulted in her downward spiral. She has just returned from India where she was shooting a documentary on child poverty. Timing for the sex tape to surface couldn’t be any worse, as it could ruin her credibility and image for the documentary.