Nouvelles quotidiennes

Eco-Conscious Course Geared Towards Quebec Catering

The Quebec council promoting sustainable event planning (CQEER) is striving to encourage environmentally responsible catering practises in Quebec.

They are often one of the quiet driving forces behind special touristic events, and provide the essentials for streamlined business conferences. Whatever their assignment happens to be, the primary goal of professional caterers is to feed people in a particular place at a particular time.

Often operating far from their accessibility of in-house equipment, the caterers must tap into their imagination to respond to the needs of particular clients, with the direct consequence of using more materials and creating more waste.

Again this year, the CQEER will be offering people in the catering industry a customized training course to integrate environmentally responsible practises, such as the proposal of practical solutions for the collection and management of waste. The establishment of standards regarding waste disposal will result in necessary improvements in reducing waste, which is directly proportional to the quantity of supply.

Caterers intending to enrol in the 3-hour class, to be held on February 9 at the commuter campuses of the University of Montreal (TELUQ), can do so by contacting the Women and Environments Network of Quebec via e-mail at before February 2.