
Elton John Rescues Eminem

Elton John has been trying to help Eminem with his battle against drug addiction.

The British music icon seems to have become a valued friend to the American rapper, and has even helped pull Eminem out of his drug haze.
The 62-year-old star revealed, "I’ve been helping Eminem over the last 18 months and he’s doing brilliantly."
In 2005, Eminem entered a detox centre to deal with an addiction to sleeping pills.  He admitted that he was taking 10 to 20 painkillers every day. "Valium, Ambien, the numbers got so high I don’t even know what I was taking," said the rapper.
Elton John seemed like the right person to ask for help.  He also went through a difficult period early in his career, battling his own demons of drugs and alcohol.  However, John won the battle, and has been sober since the 80s.
"I’m there if people want my help. If people ask for help you tell them where to go but there’s no point advising people if they don’t want to do it," said Elton.
Last November, Elton John was hospitalised and treated for an intestinal bacterium called E. coli.