
Charlie Sheen Prohibited from Visiting Sons

Charlie Sheen and Brooke Mueller’s twin boys are going to remain under their mother’s care.

After Sheen’s Christmas Day arrest for domestic violence, social services paid his wife, Brooke Mueller, and her family a visit in their Aspen residence. After a few meetings, they were convinced that twins Bob and Max, soon to be 10 months, were in good hands.

According to authorities, Mueller is an excellent mother, and the home was suitable for the children, whom Sheen will not be seeing for another month.

"Brooke and the twins, Max and Bob, are planning to stay in their rented Aspen house for at least another month. After that they may go to Palm Beach to visit family for awhile," a source told People.

Sheen and Mueller’s attorneys were set to meet today (January 4), but a scheduling conflict has come up. Thus, they have rescheduled another meeting.

Last week, Mueller’s attorney made a court request to modify the terms of the actor’s restraining order following his arrest. The goal was to allow the couple to meet and attempt to resolve their problems.