
Did Jessica Simpson Have a Fling with Tiger?

Rumours are circulating that Jessica Simpson also had a romantic encounter with Tiger Woods.

According to reports by Britain’s Daily Mail, the singer could be the first celebrity to be added to the growing list of Tiger’s conquests.

It seems that Simpson met the professional golfer when she performed the American National Anthem at a golf tournament in which Woods participated last summer.

However, a close friend of the singer’s denied the story.  The source said yesterday (December 16), "Nothing went on. Jessica was only at the tournament for a few hours. She met Tiger, they took a photo and that was that."

Simpson performed at a golf tournament in Bethesda, Maryland, though she was with her then-boyfriend, football player Tony Romo.  The two split just eight days later.

A spokesperson for Simpson has refused to comment on the rumours.  It’s also been reported that Simpson is now dating Smashing Pumpkins frontman, Billy Corgan.

As for Tiger Woods, the list of women who have come forward sharing their affair stories has grown to more than a dozen.  The athlete admitted to cheating on his wife, Elin Nordegren, on December 11.