
Michelle Pfeiffer Shares a Secret

Michelle Pfeiffer revealed that she looks totally different between films.

At 50, Pfeiffer is still a beauty, but she admits that she continually battles weight gain, and even revealed that she doesn’t look the same when she’s not on camera.

When asked about her beauty regime, the actress revealed that it’s not easy. "Hard work. It requires incredible discipline. You have to accept it. If you want to be fit, one cannot eat like a pig, and must exercise. That’s the way it is, and I hate it. There is no miracle cure, and no secret diet," said Pfeiffer. "Between the films I let myself go, actually. I look different – but I hide it. And I’m good at hiding."

The star was nervous about turning 50, but she’s come to terms with her age, and is even enjoying her golden years.  She explained, "I wasn’t happy about turning 50, it is kind of a stigma for women. But it came, it passed, that’s it."