
Jennifer Garner’s Constant Struggle

Jennifer Garner has been having a hard time balancing her career and family life.

Garner struggles with a perpetual balancing act between her acting career and her maternal responsibilities.

The actress, who has two daughters, Violet, 4, and Seraphina, 11 months, with actor Ben Affleck, stated, "There’s an internal battle. I need to work, I need to work, I need to work and I need to be home with my kids and the kids win."

At home, Garner does everything a normal mother does; drives her eldest to school, picks her up, works in the kids’ naptime, goes grocery shopping, makes the meals, etc. Basically, she is a full-time mother and a part-time actress, but she still hasn’t found a way to strike the right balance.

In 2007, she even starred in the Broadway play Cyrano de Bergerac. Although she enjoyed every minute of it, she said that she wouldn’t do it again because of its demanding schedule. Garner explained to W magazine, "Theatre is hard on my family. You can’t tell your kids, ‘I’m exhausted. Wake up with someone else today.’ "