
Tiger Woods Is in the Clear

Tiger Woods will not be facing criminal charges.

Florida authorities have closed the case regarding the golf champion’s recent car accident. He will only be penalized with a traffic ticket of $164 US, reports People.

The spokesperson for the police stated, "The investigation has concluded that Mr. Woods is at fault in the crash."

During a press conference held yesterday (December 1), the spokesperson explained that they have concluded that Woods was not driving carefully when the crash occurred and when his injuries were inflicted.

In addition to paying the fine, Woods could be losing four points off his driver’s licence if he is found guilty of careless driving. Criminal charges will not be filed against him, and the spokesperson declared the case officially closed.

The police explained that there was no domestic violence complaint, and that there is a lack of sufficient evidence to issue a subpoena and obtain further medical information.

Due to his injuries stemming from the accident, Woods was forced to withdraw from the Chevron World Challenge tournament in California, which was to be his last competition for 2009.