
Beauty Is In the Balance

The most beautiful women in the world are those with healthy, balanced skin.

The Daily News reports that the first factor that determines a beautiful woman is a bright complexion.
A group of researchers has found that balance and brightness of a woman’s skin is even more important than symmetry in the face.  It has long-since been believed that symmetry was the most important aspect when evaluating beauty.
The results of the research is shedding light on why older actresses, such as Halle Berry and Cate Blanchett, who both have beautiful skin, are enjoying an extended career.
In the study, researchers photographed 170 women’s faces.  430 people were asked to rate the photos based on their degree of attraction.  Those faces with the most beautiful skin garnered the highest ratings.
Scientists believe that people are more attracted to balanced skin because it reflects good general health.  "Skin tone, especially in women, says a great deal about reproductive potential," said an expert from Germany.
Dr. Kelly Nelson, assistant professor of dermatology at Duke University, says there are several things a woman can do to increase the quality of her skin, including wearing sunscreen.