
Lady Gaga Shunned by Grammys

An obscure Grammy rule will prevent Lady Gaga from earning a trophy this year.

If there is a name that can represent the 2009 year of music, it is certainly Lady Gaga.  With her Fame album, she grabbed headlines around the world, while selling millions of copies of the disc at a particularly low point in the music industry.

Yet, despite her overwhelming global success, the star has no chances of winning the Best New Artist trophy at this year’s Grammy Awards.  Last year, Lady Gaga was nominated in the Dance Recording category for her single Just Dance, which takes her out of newcomer status.

Therefore, she can not be considered for the title of Best New Artist of 2009, much to the disappointment of fans around the world.  However, Lady Gaga earned the title at the MTV Music Awards, and seems to have little competition for the upcoming American Music Awards.  Neverthelesss, the Grammy rules will not allow the star to earn a trophy for representing what was hot in 2009, even if she truly deserves the honour.