
Finalists Picked for Volt Paint

A few weeks have passed since Chevrolet kicked off the challenge of asking the general public to come up with a name for the Volt’s new paint job.

Approximately 27 000 people proposed a total of 13 000 different names for the Chevrolet Volt colour-naming contest.

Each state in the U.S. was represented in the contest, in which the winner gets the reward of test driving General Motors’ first semi-electric car in front of the whole world.

Although the panel will not be keeping other clever names submitted, such as Chargetruse, Recharge Silver or Voltaic Platinum, the jury has selected three finalists.

Devin McQuarrie, a 30-year-old California man, attracted attention with EV-ergreen. Florida’s Dave Thomas became a finalist with Viridian Joule. Finally, environMINT was submitted by California’s Matthew Valbuena, who wraps up the top three.

It’s now up to the public to vote for their preferred name through the site Votes will be accepted until the morning of December 1, when the winning name will be revealed.