
Another Biography on Angelina Jolie

Andrew Morton is defending his new biography on Angelina Jolie.

After having written books about Princess Diana and Tom Cruise, the controversial biographer, Andrew Morton, is unveiling the real life of actress Angelina Jolie, reports FemaleFirst.

Although the book is not yet in stores, insiders are already saying that the book isn’t going to be very interesting.  There has been some speculation regarding the book’s content, and perhaps that Jolie had had an affair with a man who was involved with her late mother, Marcheline Bertrand.

Morton denies that Jolie bedded her mother’s lover, but refuses to reveal what will be unveiled in the book.

Morton is not the only one interested in airing Jolie’s dirty laundry.  Ian Harpelin, who wrote unauthorized biographies on Guy Laliberté and Michael Jackson, will release Brangelina Exposed on December 1.  The book will examine the rocky relationship between Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, and how they manipulate the press.