
Road Trains Are Coming Soon

Would you like to join in a convoy, let go of the wheel and read your morning newspaper?  It won’t be long before that option is available, according to Volvo.

The Swedish car manufacturer is working on a project called SARTRE, which means Safe Road Trains for the Environment, and expects to have the system in place within ten years.

The operation would be based on a convoy of 6-8 cars driven by remote control.  The person in charge of the convoy would be an experienced driver who knows the route well, such as a bus or taxi driver.

The cars will follow the lead vehicle with only a few centimetres in between.  Thus, each vehicle receives the optimum aerodynamic drag, resulting in a 20% decrease in fuel consumption.

After breaking away from the train, the driver would regain control of the vehicle, while other drivers can fill the space left behind.

The idea is promising in that there is no specific infrastructure to build, although the cars themselves will need to be equipped with the appropriate system.  Science fiction may turn into fact in just 10 years!