Mode et accessoires

Charlize Theron Designs a Special Shirt

Charlize Theron is offering a shirt made exclusively for charity.

The actress has teamed with Give and Take Tees to create an exclusive item to be sold to benefit the Charlize Theron Africa Outreach project.
The foundation raises money to set up a mobile health clinic with computers that will visit secondary schools in the rural South African communities, which are among the poorest and the most affected by AIDS.
Theron stated, “Give and Take is a socially responsible company and I’m thrilled to have their support. The kids that are being helped through my African Outreach Project are so incredible and vibrant. These T-shirts capture the spirit of South Africa and give everyone a way to help.”
50% of the projects from the sale of the shirts will go directly to the Charlize Theron African Outreach cause. The shirts can be purchased online at