
Biggest Baby Born In Indonesia

A baby weighing 19.2 lbs was born in Indonesia.

This morning (September 25), the newest star of Sumatra Island, Indonesia, is Akbar, the heaviest baby born to date in Indonesia. 

Akbar (which means great in Arabic) was born during a 40 minute cesarean section, which was more complicated than usual due to his weight of 19.2 lbs and a height close to 62 cm.

Parents, Muhammad Hasanuddin, 50, and Ani, 41, are happy that their son is healthy and reported that he has already developed a robust appetite, requiring formula and breask milk.

In Indonesia, the previous record was for a baby who weighed 14.8 lbs at birth. However, the world’s heaviest baby was born in 1879 and weighed 23.8 lbs, but unfortunately he died 11 hours after birth. The heaviest baby to survive was born in 1955 in Italy at 22.6 pounds and another baby of the same weight was born in South Africa in 1982.