
Mickey Rourke To Play a Murderer

Mickey Rourke will play mafia hit man Richard Kulinksi in an upcoming film.

According to Total Film, Rourke has agreed to play Richard "The Ice Man" Kulinski on the silver screen.  The movie will tell the true story of the henchman who committed more than 200 murders on behalf of the mafia.

Last week, there was a dispute between author Philip Carlo and producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura.  The producer had purchased the film rights to Carlo’s book, and was set to adapt The Ice Man: Confessions of a Mafia Contract Killer to film.  However, when he announced that he wanted to put Channing Tatum in the lead role, the author was furious, and instead preferred Mickey Rourke for the part.

Now that the adaptation rights have expired, the film will be moving forward with Carlo and Rourke producing the film themselves.  Filming is set to begin next spring in New York, New Jersey and Florida.

In the meantime, Mickey Rourke will be starring in Iron Man 2, opening on May 7.