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British Museum Restores Moctezuma II’s Reputation

Moctezuma II receives good press in London.

The reputation of emperor Moctezuma II received a nice boost from the British Museum in London.

Moctezuma II was the last emperor of the Aztec people and according to history, is accused of giving his people to the Spanish conquisitors led by Cortes.

The British Museum is showcasing an exhibition, which starts today (September 24), on the Emperer and their controversial attempts to establish the facts concerning his rein which ended in 1520 with the collapse of his empire in Spanish hands.

Quote, explained the curator of the exposition, Colin McEwan to the Associated Press.

The exhibition entitled, Moctezuma Aztec Ruler features unique pieces, like a turquoise mosaic mask, a snake with two heads, unusual jewellery and ornaments for the body. It will end on January 24.