
Megan Fox Talks About Insecurities

Megan Fox admits that she can be disgusted by herself and particularly vulnerable.

In an interview with Rolling Stone magazine, Fox revealed that she has a low opinion of herself.

"I’m really insecure about everything. I never think I’m worthy of anything, I have a sick feeling about being mocked all the time," explained the young beauty.

She added that she lives in a state of anxiety.  "Self-loathing doesn’t keep me from being happy. But that doesn’t mean I don’t struggle. I am very vulnerable."

Fox believes that she may have a personality disorder, because she can be aggressive, hurtful, selfish and bossy.  She describes herself as emotionally unpredictable, and even revealed that she once threatened to stab her boyfriend, Brian Austin Green.  However, as open as she was, Fox refused to discuss whether she had an eating disorder.

The actress, who is the fantasy girl for millions of men, has also not had many sexual encounters.  She explained, "I can never have sex with someone I don’t love, ever, ever, ever. That idea makes me sick. I’ve never even come close to having a one-night stand."