
Whitney Houston Was Saved by Her Mom

Singer Whitney Houston admitted that her mother was the one who saved her from the wrath of drugs.

During an exclusive interview with Oprah Winfrey, which was Houston’s first in seven years, the American singer revealed that her mother was the one who led her to recovery from drug addiction.

Houston, 46, has recently made her big comeback with the new disc I Look To You.

In the two-part interview, which aired yesterday and will follow up today, the singer explains how her mother, Cissy Houston, insisted that she take her life back into her own hands with the help of a court injunction.

"She said, ‘I’m not losing you to the world. I’m not losing you to Satan… I want my daughter back’," recalled Whitney. 

The star admitted to Oprah that she used to smoke marijuana laced with crack.

Whitney Houston is experiencing a remarkable return to the top, with her new album that has gone directly to number one on North American charts since its August 31 release.