
Jeffrey Dean Morgan To Star in Red Dawn Remake

Jeffrey Dean Morgan is thrilled to be taking part in the remake of the film Red Dawn.

The actor has just joined the cast of the film.  The original film starred Patrick Swayze in 1984.

According to ComingSoon, Jeffrey Dean Morgan has always been a huge fan of the film, and is looking forward to shooting scenes in Detroit.

Red Dawn takes place in an alternate reality, where the United States has fallen under Communist rule.  Morgan will play a pilot who helps a group of students initiate a retaliation.  The film will be directed by Dan Bradley and should reach theatres next year.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan, who stars in television’s Grey’s Anatomy, has several projects at the moment.  After filming The Resident earlier this year, he made the film adaptation of The Losers in Puerto Rico.  On December 11, his film All Good Things, which also stars Ryan Gosling and Kristen Stewart, will open in theatres.