
A Pinot Noir from Quebec

Vignoble Carone, a Quebec vineyard, announced that it will putting a red wine out on the market called Venice, which is the first pinot noir coming from la belle province.

Anthony Carone, owner of Vignoble Carone, commented on the wine’s debut, saying that they have raised the bar for red wines of Quebec. They have come a long way since their first trials of making pinot noir, and finally, their patience has paid off.

He added that he’s been working on pinot noir for 10 years now, and that he’s finally triumphed in making the vitis vinifera vine species grow in Quebec, the type required to produce pinot noir grapes.

However, he indicated that it would not be easy to get obtain a bottle of his pinot noir, since only 120 cases were produced.

Vignoble Carone is the only commercial producer of pinot noir in Quebec.