
The Honda Accord Crosstour

After a campaign of teasers, showing a headlight here, a grille there, Honda has finally unveiled the Accord Crosstour, which is a crossover utility vehicle designed specifically for North America.

Too big and too thirsty, SUVs are losing momentum in North America.  Several manufacturers are now turning to hybrid solutions, and have begun to opt for sedan and 4×4 combos.

The Honda Accord Crosstour follows the same principle as the BMW 5-Series GT, but in a lower class.  Higher than a sedan, but lower and more dynamic than the SUV, the Crosstour offers a style that won’t please everyone, but is definitely original.

The car won’t be lacking in terms of rugged capabilities, since an all-wheel-drive version will be available. If its low-riding look fails to impress, then we at least know that this vehicle will consider bumpy roads and undesirable weather conditions as non-issues.

More information on the Crosstour will become available as the car heads to the market this fall.