
Sharon Osbourne’s Success Secret

Sharon Osbourne believes that her lack of good looks is the reason behind her success.

The wife of Ozzy Osbourne, and America’s Got Talent judge revealed to Psychologies magazine that her lack of beauty is the key to her success.

Osbourne believes that if she would have been born a beauty, her life would have turned out differently.  She explained, "My achievements are down to my looks, or lack of them. I was fat, short, hairy. I’m not putting myself down – that’s the truth."

She added, "I didn’t have any talent, either, and I left school with barely a single qualification. If I’d been pretty, my life would probably have been very different….(I had to) develop a brain and personality and be fun and smart and learn to get on with people and make deals."

The star also took the opportunity to announce that she is currently writing her first novel, entitled Revenge.  She has already published two autobiographies.