
Milk Increases Longevity

Consuming milk products during childhood leads to a longer life.

Researchers at the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom and the Queensland Institute of Medical Research in Brisbane, Australia have discovered that children who consume an abundance of milk and cheese generally live longer.

In the study, children who consumed milk products and had a diet rich in calcium had lower mortality rates than those who didn’t consume milk products.

These results were obtained after analysing data collected from 1 343 families since the 1930s.

Apparently, the intake of 400 mg of calcium per day lowered the risk of heart attack by 60%.

Additionally, we already know that milk products are rich in protein, vitamins and minerals, and that they play an important role in maintaining bone health.

On the contrary, after the children reached adult years, the consumption of whole milk, butter and cheese increased the risk of developing heart disease.