
Robert Downey Jr. Races to the Delivery Room

Robert Downey Jr. will be taking part in the next comedy by director Todd Philips.

Variety reports that Downey Jr. will be playing the lead role in Due Date, the upcoming comedy flick by director Todd Philips (The Hangover).

In the film, the actor will play a father-to-be who is on his way to the hospital to witness the birth of his first child, but must make the road trip there with a mismatched sidekick played by Zach Galifianakis (The Hangover).

Filming will begin on September 21, and then the set will relocate to Atlanta, to New Mexico and then to Los Angeles.

In the meantime, we can see Robert Downey Jr. in the Guy Ritchie film, Sherlock Holmes, opening December 25.