
Jamie Lee Curtis Talks About Addiction

Jamie Lee Curtis recently admitted that she became dependent on painkillers and found it difficult to stop taking them.

According to People, the actress admits that she was previously addicted to prescription medication, just like Michael Jackson.

"I too found painkillers after a routine cosmetic surgical procedure and I too became addicted. The morphine becomes the warm bath from which to escape painful reality," Curtis wrote on her Blog.

However, although she didn’t disclose how she broke the addiction, Curtis says she was lucky to have realized that her pains were so deep that no drugs could help her.  The star says that beating addiction was her greatest accomplishment, but was very difficult.  She understands the struggle that Michael Jackson must have been going through.  She wrote, "I believe Mr. Jackson was in pain. Mr. Jackson was an addict. It is coming out. Everywhere. He wanted relief and would get it in any name, place or method he could. It was and is a conspiracy of silence."