
Lindsay Lohan Defends Herself

Actress Lindsay Lohan responded to Dr. Drew’s comments about her alleged alcohol relapse.

Dr. Drew, the celebrity therapist from the television reality show Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew, claims that Lindsay Lohan has experienced a relapse in alcohol dependency. The star then responded sharply on her Twitter page, saying, "I thought REAL doctors talked to patients in offices behind closed doors. Am I wrong? Hmmmmm. I think NOT. Yay! (sic)."

According to an interview with Parade magazine, Dr. Drew had the opportunity to talk extensively with Lindsay Lohan and said, "I’m convinced that she’ll get sober one day. But I’m afraid that between now and then, she may get a nearly mortal wound of some type. I’m really convinced that something horrible is going to have to happen to her before she really gets over it and embraces sobriety."

This is not the first time that Dr. Drew has gone after a celebrity. Last year, he apologized to Tom Cruise after having suggested the actor’s emotional problems are related to his involvement in the Church of Scientology.