
Ginger Combats Nausea

Patients who receive chemotherapy treatments could eat ginger to eliminate the nausea caused by their medication.

Once again, research has shown the virtues of ginger on the digestive system. Dr. Julie Ryan of the University of Rochester in New York says that this famous root reduces nausea caused by chemotherapy treatments in cancer patients.

644 subjects that suffered from nausea due to chemotherapy participated in this study. A quarter of them took 1 to 1 1/2 grams of ginger tablets a day and were then asked to rate their nausea.

The majority of the subjects felt a lot better after their chemotherapy treatments, in which the average side effects were shown to decrease by 40%.

Dr. Ryan also stated that cookies or soft drinks made with ginger are not effective for fighting nausea because an artificial flavor is used in these products.