
Star Trek Purists Advised to Stay Home

According to the director of the new Star Trek, purists should not go see his film.

The director of the new Star Trek, J.J. Abrams, advised purists of the franchise not to waste their time.

Abrams heard that the film was bashed with strong criticism about William Shatner not playing the role of Captain Kirk.

"For them I say, ‘Don’t see the movie. You’ll just get angry. It is not Shatner playing Kirk, so I do apologize," said the director.

Actor Chris Pine, who plays the new Captain Kirk, did not want to watch the shows starring Shatner, in fear that he would end up mimicking him. Pine explained, "I know how I work and by watching a lot of Mr. Shatner’s performances as Captain Kirk I knew by osmosis I would get on set and try and impersonate Mr Shatner." He added, "It was not my job. I didn’t want people to start paying attention to whether I was doing a perfect William Shatner."