
Pitt and Jolie Excite a NY Suburb

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have been a source of joy for their neighbours in Oyster Bay, close to New York.

Residents of Oyster Bay, a New York suburb, seem to be overjoyed about having Hollywood’s highest profile couple, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, as neighbours.

One of the town’s reps, John Venditto, spoke about the effect that the stars have on the community, saying, "When you talk to someone who has met them they’re kind of glowing. People love saying they saw them. They feel something very special happened to them."

The people don’t really seem bothered by all the media blitz following Pitt and his partner. "The reaction across the board seems to be, ‘Wow, they’re very nice people.’ It seems that people like them and like having them here," described Venditto.