
Jennifer Garner Talks About Family Life

Jennifer Garner says that Ben Affleck is an ideal father, except he can’t do hair.

In an interview with In Style magazine, Jennifer Garner revealed a few details about her family life with Ben Affleck and their two daughters, Violet, 3, and Seraphina Rose, 3.

As far as parental responsibilities go, Affleck seems to have multiple talents, except for when it comes to doing hair. Garner described their morning routine, saying, "Ben will do the school run. He dresses her and does her hair. It’s pretty funny. You can always tell when he has been at it, just two random barrettes hanging in there. It’s so sweet." 

Garner also spoke about trying to protect her daughters from the onslaught of paparazzi, commenting, "I try not to look, but when I see these [paparazzi] pictures of Violet and me, I’m always smiling like a monkey, trying not to let her feel my anxiety."

However, little Violet has already picked up on her mother’s distaste of snapshots, and has even asked the cameramen not to take her picture. Garner recounted her daughter saying, "I don’t understand, Mommy. I said please!"