Éphémérides (anglais)

It happened on a… February 15

Find out about the main events that have taken place on this day over the years.


US President Donald Trump declares a national emergency to divert funds to build a border wall.


A meteor explodes over Russia, injuring 1,500 people as a shock wave blows out windows and rocks buildings. This happens unexpectedly only hours before the expected closest ever approach of the larger and unrelated asteroid 2012 DA14.


YouTube, Internet site on which videos may be shared and viewed by others, is launched in the United States.


First draft of the complete human genome is published in Nature.


Martin Brodeur becomes first goaltender in NHL history to get credit for a “game winning” goal as New Jersey wins, 4-2 over the visiting Philadelphia Flyers.


Last 100,000 Soviet troops leave Afghanistan under UN accord; 10 years after troops sent to help Marxist government.


Canada’s Gaetan Boucher wins second Gold Medal in Speedskating at the 14th Winter Games; fourth medal of his career.


Canada displayed its new red and white maple leaf flag. The flag was to replace the old Red Ensign standard.


Walt Disney premieres his masterpiece of animation, Cinderella, in New York City.


Adolf Hitler announces construction of the Volkswagen Beetle (the People’s Car, aka the Käfer/Beetle).