
Lindsay Lohan Laughs at Herself

Lindsay Lohan had a good laugh after making a video for an Internet dating service.

Lindsay Lohan hasn’t lost her sense of humour, and made a parody of herself, doing an Internet dating service ad.

"Hi, my name is Lindsay, and I’m looking for love. I’m recently single … I think," she says, making reference to her split with Samantha Ronson.

"I’m looking for someone I can spend the rest of my life with … or at least the rest of my probation," referring to her arrest.

Lohan describes herself as being a workaholic, a shopaholic and according to the state of California, an alcoholic.

She asks that her future companion can live with a "redhead with a little bit of sass, and by that I mean a redhead that’s crazy," and then adds, "Don’t pretend like you don’t know me. We’ve all read about it."