
Madonna Wants to Help Earthquake Victims

Madonna made a donation to help the victims of an earthquake that shook parts of Italy.

An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.6 on the Richter scale devastated the Italian region of Abruzzo on Monday (April 6), taking the lives of 200 people.


Madonna responded to the Mayor of Pacentro’s call for help, by sending a big check to help the people of the town where her grandparents lived until 1919.


Madonna’s rep, Liz Rosenberg, told People that a significant amount of money was sent by the singer, but she did not divulge the amount.  According to an inside source, Madonna sent $500 000.


"I am happy to lend a helping hand to the town that my ancestors are from. My heart goes out to the families that have lost loved ones or their homes," said Madonna.