
Kelly Osbourne Saved by Detox

Kelly Osbourne could have died from her drug addiction if she hadn’t sought help.

Three weeks after the end of her last detox treatment, Kelly Osbourne revealed that she’s been hooked on painkillers ever since she was a teen.

"I had my tonsils taken out [at age 13], and they gave me liquid Vicodin. I found, when I take this, people like me. I’m having fun, I’m not getting picked on. It became a confidence thing," she told People.

After two trips to detox, in 2004 and 2005, the young star severely relapsed this year. 

As her family is set to become the object of another television show, Osbournes Reloaded, she admits wanting to be part of it. "I knew if I didn’t get help, I would die," she confessed. 
Osbournes Reloaded is set to air on Fox starting March 31.