
Britney’s Ex Gets Three-Year Restraining Order

A former boyfriend of Britney Spears has been ordered to stay away from the star for three years.

A Los Angeles judge issued a long-term restraining order to Adnan Ghalib yesterday (March 18), according to People magazine.

For three years, Ghalib will not be legally permitted to communicate, either directly or indirectly, with Spears, and must stay 100 metres away from her. 

The restraining order also protects Spears’ parents, siblings, and children from being harassed by Ghalib.

Britney’s father, Jamie Spears, asked for the restraining order because he believes that Ghalib was disrupting Britney’s life.  Mr. Spears has been appointed by the court to handle all aspects of Britney’s life, both personally and professionally.

The restraining order will be in effect until March 17, 2012.