
A-Rod Shocked by Madonna’s Stunt

Alex Rodriguez doesn’t seem very pleased that Madonna has been sashaying around New York with another man.

As reported yesterday (February 3), Madonna was out and about with 22-year-old Brazilian, Jesus Luz, and her two children, reports NY Daily News.
Today, a source claims that Alex Rodriguez, who was reportedly having an affair with the singer, was shocked by the news.
The source says, "Alex is well aware that Madonna is out and about with Jesus, and he isn’t happy about it. It’s embarrassing for him because he and Madonna have been so publicly linked, and now it looks like he’s been dumped for a younger stud."
According to the same source, Madonna is trying to reassure A-Rod that her relationship with Luz is just a publicity stunt to steer attention away from their own relationship.
However, now that Luz has been spotted with the Material Girl’s kids, there is more of a serious spin to the situation.