
Do Goji Berries Protect Against Skin Cancer?

According to a University of Sydney study, there is potential for the goji berry to act as an internal sunscreen to prevent skin cancer.

One of the latest anti-cancer trends is the consumption of a small, red fruit full of antioxidants called the goji berry. More studies are being done to reveal the food’s health benefits.

For example, Australia’s Daily Telegraph reports of a study conducted on mice at the University of Sydney, uncovering an intriguing advantage behind this power food. 
Laboratory mice that were fed diluted goji berry juice and were then exposed to harsh UV rays had lower incidences of skin inflammation. Dr. Vivienne Reeve, a faculty member from the university’s Veterinary Science department, explained, “the juice seemed to protect the immune system because they didn’t get immuno-suppression which is a major risk factor for skin cancer development in chronically over-exposed skin.”
Dr. Reeve also added that in another study, skin cancer-induced mice had significantly slower growing tumours. Cancer experts do, however, suggest that such studies done on mice must be viewed cautiously, since mice and humans have different types of skin.